Follow-up on my previous posting In the documentation "FIGURE 8-1: A/D BLOCK DIAGRAM" it clearly is a MUX for the AD timer clock controlled by the FOSC configuration bit. On PIC14000JW date code 9650SAT (and 9632SAT?) that mux is locked to internal oscillator. On PIC14000JW date code 9752 this MUX do work and I am now successfully running both CPU and A/D timer on 20MHz Xtal. That makes me wonder, BTW... In the elder version the internal OSC was driving A/D timer, though I had set HS oscillator, and the Xtal was driving the CPU, that means both oscillators was operating at the same time. Is the internal osc still running also in the new version and consuming precious microwatts although it is driving nothing? The newer i bought from Farnell last week. Still 9 months old! Probably they are not selling as much as expected? No wonder as they do not supportet as we would expect... The data sheet is still preliminary after about 2 years (!) and the errata sheet explains other bugs, but not this one. I wonder are there more undocumented bugs? Will the other bugs be fixed? Will they withdraw this product?! Or why do they not finish it and it«s documentation? This is so far the only Mchip part i have ever used and I feel it might be the last one. I might cool down soon, but right now i have spent the whole weekend with this stupid bug. /Morgan / Morgan Olsson, MORGANS REGLERTEKNIK, SE-277 35 KIVIK, Sweden \ \, ph: +46 (0)414 70741; fax +46 (0)414 70331 /