My mail has been screwy for days - Double postings, some days
(?) apart. This mornings mail contained half a dozen or so
blank messages from different lists, and several repeats of msgs
I received yesterday.
My ISP is grossly over-subscribed. May be a factor.
Netscrape 3.0, BTW.

Russell McMahon wrote:
> I occasionally find that a posting of mine appears twice with
> slightly different times (usually a minute or so apart) and possibly
> slightly different subject eg "Re: DSO..." and "re:      DSO ...".
> .
> Anyone know why?
> Does this happen to other people?
> .
> I am using Internet Exploder 4.
> .
> This may happen after I edit the outgoing message but if so there is
> only one copy in the outbox before I send them.