Hello, Is there any way to test an argument in a Macro? If I have a constant it works fine ie. test macro char if(char > 0x7f) || (char <0x20) movlw 0x20 else nop endif endm ... ... ... If I then envoke test 0x81 it will will return a 0x20, just what I want, but I'd like to pass a variable to it to test. I want to make sure that a certain area of E2prom is between 20h and 7fh and if not to force the character to a 20h But I can't seem to pass an argument to the macro with local, variable, set, it would be so much easier to be able to do some IF statement testing instead of bit bashing STATUS. Is there any hope?? -Ralph rlandry@haywood.main.nc.us "If they call it Tourist Season why can't we shoot 'em?"