If you are, unlike myke ;-), into octothorpes and their ilk then you could subscribe to "A Word A Day". Each day you get a free new shiny word such as octothorpe to keep you amused or bemused. To subscribe: http://www.wordsmith.org/awad/ Wish to share your love of words with a family member or a friend? You can send a gift subscription of AWAD at http://www.wordsmith.org/awad/gift.html . Before you sign-up anyone, please make sure s/he will appreciate your gesture. -----Original Message----- From: myke predko To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Date: Saturday, September 05, 1998 5:53 AM Subject: Re: [OT] English name >Paul Britton wrote: >>In the days of the BBC micro, the '#' hash synbol was called a 'gate' by >>the BBC, and it's also called that in my company phone users guide. > >The correct name seems to be "octothorpe" and it's a wonderful tool to guage >people. > >I have found that 100% of the people that call it an "octothorpe" are no fun >at parties and when you meet them for the first time, chances are they're >wearing a bowtie, irregardless of the weather or situation. > > >I hope everyone has a great (and safe) labour day! > >myke > >Check out the "Handbook of Microcontrollers" as a reference for embedded >microcontrollers including information on the Intel 8051, Motorola 68HC05, >Microchip PICMicro, Atmel AVR and Parallax Basic Stamp: > >http://www.myke.com/#MCUHand > > >Hunter S. Thompson's quest for the American Dream, this week in the Book Room. > >http://www.myke.com/Book_Room/book1a.htm >