>"this way"= sending PPM data? Yes. >That's a good question. I'm not sure of the exact age of my transmitter, >but it DOES have an AMA gold sticker on the bottom, so I think its >narrowband. Put it this way, it is channel 54, and conforms to the standard >channel allocation system in use at my flying club. Gold sticker doesn't mean anything anymore. You should have it checked at an AMA Licensed Station. The guy locally who does this is Rock Leone. He goes to a lot of the trade shows, I understand. Met him at WRAMS a couple times in a booth. The guys in our club use him because he's local and cheap - $25 will certify your tx as narrowband, gets a narrowband sticker on it instead of the AMA Gold. Andy ================================================================== Andy Kunz - Statistical Research, Inc. - Westfield, New Jersey USA ==================================================================