Phil, Check out Jan Axelson's "Serial Port Complete", it has answers to all your questions. myke >I have been reading this list for a few weeks now with great interest. I'm >in the final stages of designing a system for the school I work at that >requires a multi-drop RS485 network and while I understand the hardware side >of the standard, I could use some pointers on protocols. > >I understand the basics of packet and Ethernet but all I want to implement >in this system is (hopefully) a simple master/slave arrangement with small >amounts of data (10 bytes every few seconds). There is no requirement for >slave/slave transmissions. I am using a 16C74 at 4Mhz as I need the I/O and >therefore have the UART available. > >What is common practice for RS485, to use ASCII for data to distinguish it >from commands, unique preambles that are unlikely (or disallowed) from >normal data, fixed length packets? Any tips on building a reliable protocol >would be much appreciated. > >Thanks for any help, > > >Phil Tipping G8RCP >IT Systems Manager > > > Check out the "Handbook of Microcontrollers" as a reference for embedded microcontrollers including information on the Intel 8051, Motorola 68HC05, Microchip PICMicro, Atmel AVR and Parallax Basic Stamp: Hunter S. Thompson's quest for the American Dream, this week in the Book Room.