On Thu, 27 Aug 1998 09:38:24 -0400 Chip Weller writes: >The same issues could exist in different devices with FSR set to >SSPBUF, >RCREG and PORTD in PSP mode. Has anyone noticed this, is CLRW really >this dangerous? > Microchip recognized this potential problem and formally defined CLRW as clrf 3,w so it does a read of the STATUS register, not the INDF register. It should be always safe to read the status register. New versions of the assembler should generate the register 3 code. (Note that the assembler will not assemble the line above, it will not take a destination field for the clrf instruction.) Really there's no need for the CLRW instruction since "movlw 0" or "andlw 0" would take the same space and time. The latter will also set the Z flag just like clrw does. _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at http://www.juno.com Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]