Hi, i have been having some trouble with getting the AD to work on my 12c672. i am using Pic Basic Pro and the EPIC program with EPIC Windows software. i used the sample code given with the PBP (at end of message) i have configured the EPIC win software to program a 12c672, internal osc, no code protection, with blank check. i have compiled the sample program with the -p12c672 option to compile code for that micro. The annoying thing is that the chip appears to be dead.... no signals are coming out of it. and because it takes half an hour to erase the chip between tries i would like to be really sure that things i try will work. i think the next thing to try is to go backwards a few steps and try and make a LED flash. if that doesn't work i may look at the chip being faulty.. although it programs fine. are there any special includes or tricks to make these cool little processors to work ? does using the -p option link in all of the includes properly ? or do they also need to be defined elsewhere ? do you define the processor/clock source etc. in the program, or with the programmer or both ? -- sample code given with PIC PRO ' Access PIC16C7x A/D Include "modedefs.bas" SO con 0 ' Serial Output ADCON1 = 0 ' Set PortA 0-3 to analog inputs ADCON0 = $41 ' Set A/D to Fosc/8, Channel 0, On loop: ADCON0 = $45 ' Start Conversion Pause 1 ' Wait 1ms for conversion Serout SO,N2400,[#ADRES,10] ' Send variable to serial out Goto loop