At 04:28 PM 22/8/98 +1000, you wrote: >I see problems here if active/neutral were reversed then this scheme would >create a potentially lethal hazard. For this reason, I think RCD(*) protection >is a safer solution. AND always check all cables and power points. No - your logic is a bit mixed up here, there won't be a lethal hazard since the fuse box fuse will blow (I believe Ground and Neutral are tied together at the pole where power first enters the house since distribution is via 3-phase delta. A proper ground connection on an appliance with metal case (ah lah PC etc) WILL protect you by blowing the fuse and its even better if you have an Earth Leakage unit at the fuse box as well. >This is perhaps a good argument to get rid of ground connections completely >and remove the distinction between active/neutral. If there is no path >to ground then you be a lot safer than our current system. BOLLOCKS ! ! ! Eh ? - I'd rather have a current to ground (proper cable connection) then the power deciding to go to ground through my son ! Don't forget power will find a path - the least impedance whenever it can - you CANNOT remove the distinction between active/neutral. Its like working on a car which is -ve ground and trying to say - lets make the chassis isolated and run extra -ve leads all over the place, despite the increased cost its just not that practical given most vehicles have a metal chassis - for plastic chassis cars you have nice big earth straps under the chassis... For AC mains supply:- It would seem to me a cost effective and safe system is the 3 core standard we have in Australia, Active, Neutral AND Ground WITH Earth leakage protection AND all appliances having double pole switches AND fuses on active and neutral. Suggesting we do away with the ground conductor is just plain foolish, your logic is a bit skewed and potentially dangerous ! - or is this some other joke I'm about to fall into {again} ? Rgds ~`:o) Mike Massen Trading as "Network Power Systems" Perth, Western Australia Ph/Fx +61 8 9444 8961 Products/Personal/Client web area at (Current feature - trip to Malaysia to install equipment in jungle power site) Some say there is no magic but, all things begin with thought then it becomes academic, then some poor slob works out a practical way to implement all that theory, this is called Engineering - for most people another form of magic.