This is my second attempt on this message. Please ignore if you received the first, or, if you know the answer, please reply... 8) Hi there! I'm writing some code to process commands sent from a PC through the ISA bus to the PIC. One of the commands is the "Initialize All", which intends to be as close as possible to a hard reset on the all card. The PIC has full control over the several "peripherals", so I was thinking: Instead of jumping to the "Initialization" routine, why don't I just block the PIC, and let the WatchDog do the dirty work? Is there any reason why I shouldn't do that? Thanx, Nuno Pedrosa. PS: Any Scouts on the PIC List? 8) .^. _,^,_ /\ ___( | )_____ Nuno Filipe Freitas Pedrosa __________ o(`} | , __/\/ /__ /*\\|//*\ SIEMENS S.A. Portugal (]| /' \ \/\ \(\\V//)/ (]|`% (") \/\ \ ` -=- ' Tel. :00351-1-841826 (") /`/ / /\/ __B//|\\P___________________________________________\' / `/______\/____ `-' "Try and leave this world a little better than you found it..."