At 09:35 PM 14/08/98 +0100, you wrote: Adrian, I have such a system which is used in industry and operates at 77MHz. I do not believe this is suitable for your area. However, I am currently developing the same product to run at 916MHz and 433MHz. It will also be a lot cheaper than the industrial system where a lot of different features are required. It basically is a person down alarm with duress switch. It is received at a base station or receiver and an alarm is sounded if the person goes down or the duress switch is pressed. If more than one person is to be monitored and over a greater area than about 100 metres radius then it will need a processor based base station. If you need further details email me privately. All the best, Peter Grey Neosystems Australia >Can anyone help with this (UK based) ?? > >At 20:57 14/08/98 +0100, you wrote: >>Hello Adrian, >> >>Not sure whether you can help me as this is not exactly your line >>(but you might know 'a man who can'). >> >>I'm looking for a small body worn transmittor which will send a signal >>to a receiver which will sound/flash an alarm if the wearer falls over. >> >>The person in need is a young lady with Learning Disabilities and >>epilepsy - so the Lifeline style phones won't help as she may well not >>be able to press the pendant/clip on button. >> >>She lives with her parents on a small holding and likes to go see the >>animals - parents don't like having to keep tabs as it doesn't give her >>any independance. >> >>I'm sure such things exist but can't find any references as most people >>are on the phone systems. >> >>Sorry to trouble you, but I thought you may be able to point me in the >>right direction. > >You need to contact the BCS (British Computer Society) Disability group. An >ex-colleague of mine, Ruben Ashkenazy designed an LCD based cpu system with >a buzzer to remind patients to take their medication. > >I'll look out their number and contact details. > >Regards > >Adrian >--- >WWW WWW Adrian Gothard >WWW WW WWW White Horse Design >WWWWWWWWWW +44-385-970009 (Mobile/SMS), +44-118-962-8913/4 (voice/fax) >WWWW WWWW, >--- >Developers of GPS satellite-based tracking systems for vehicles/helicopters > >