Can anyone help with this (UK based) ?? At 20:57 14/08/98 +0100, you wrote: >Hello Adrian, > >Not sure whether you can help me as this is not exactly your line >(but you might know 'a man who can'). > >I'm looking for a small body worn transmittor which will send a signal >to a receiver which will sound/flash an alarm if the wearer falls over. > >The person in need is a young lady with Learning Disabilities and >epilepsy - so the Lifeline style phones won't help as she may well not >be able to press the pendant/clip on button. > >She lives with her parents on a small holding and likes to go see the >animals - parents don't like having to keep tabs as it doesn't give her >any independance. > >I'm sure such things exist but can't find any references as most people >are on the phone systems. > >Sorry to trouble you, but I thought you may be able to point me in the >right direction. You need to contact the BCS (British Computer Society) Disability group. An ex-colleague of mine, Ruben Ashkenazy designed an LCD based cpu system with a buzzer to remind patients to take their medication. I'll look out their number and contact details. Regards Adrian --- WWW WWW Adrian Gothard WWW WW WWW White Horse Design WWWWWWWWWW +44-385-970009 (Mobile/SMS), +44-118-962-8913/4 (voice/fax) WWWW WWWW, --- Developers of GPS satellite-based tracking systems for vehicles/helicopters