Having just finished first PIC project. A PIC 16C73 that reads a 4-wire touch screen and communicates bi-directional with a PC via the keyboard port. (Man that keyboard protocol is screwy, and undocumended. thanks for Digital Storage Scopes) I have some questions... Most of my bugs involved getting the polarity wrong on the btfsc and btfss. Wha ts methods do you Gurus use to help getting these right the FIRST time. Also I see instructions in example code that are not in my databook.. Like skpn z. They seem to assemble under MPASM fine. Are these built in assembler macros? And finally what macros / compiler directives do you experienced people find mos t helpful? This list is such a awesome source... and sorry for the FAQ I asked earlier. -- Richard A. Smith Bitworks, Inc. rsmith@bitworks.com 501.521.3908 Sr. Design Engineer http://www.bitworks.com