Hi jon,

John Kirk schrieb:
> I'm sorry but I must disagree.   For example, I still have not figured out
> how to use the Simulator.  Does the Tutorial tell me how to get a simple
> piece of code running in the simulator?  I tried contacting MicroChip and
> even wrote a letter asking for help from Ms. Kris Kuehn.  The only help I
> got was the suggestion to monitor this news group.   Good advice, but I
> still don't know how to operate the simulator.    I would be happy to pass
> along a copy of the letter if you are interested.  John Kirk

Had also mad an ugly mistake while tring to use the simulator. Feeled
realy helpless getting it to work. But later I found that just
a option was not set correctly. Did you set the "Simulator-Option" to
MP-Lab Simulater ? As I remembered MP-LAB default seting pointed to an
external simulator ( ICE ? ) that I diddn4t own - and no simulation
works at all. Run in this trouble several times I startet a new Project.

Kind regards

        Stefan Sczekalla-Waldschmidt