Will someone unsubscribe this person? At 17:20 13/08/98 +0000, you wrote: > > Status Distribution August 12, 1998 17:07:33 > >The message regarding "Re: Wanted! M-bus protocol description (async, 4bits per mes" sent on August 12, 1998 17:07:33 was sent by > >Status Recipient > Type To > Native Name PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU > Foreign Native Name PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU\n\n\nINTERNET > Regards Adrian --- WWW WWW Adrian Gothard WWW WW WWW White Horse Design WWWWWWWWWW +44-385-970009 (Mobile/SMS), +44-118-962-8913/4 (voice/fax) WWWW WWWW whd@zetnet.co.uk, http://www.users.zetnet.co.uk/whd --- Developers of GPS satellite-based tracking systems for vehicles/helicopters