Claudio, Your responses are not arriving on the PIC list. The following is displayed for every message that you send. Therefore, you are inadvertently poluting the PIC list with useless data that has to be deleted. Status Distribution August 13, 1998 02:45:09 The message regarding "Re: PicBasic, I2C, DS1621" sent on August 13, 1998 02:45:09 was sent by Status Recipient Type To Native Name PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Foreign Native Name PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU\n\n\nINTERNET Recipients Status Reporters Type From Initials CR Name Domain NOTES Native Name CN=Claudio Rachiele IW0DZG/OU=Italy/O=IBM@IBMIT Foreign Native Name CN=Claudio Rachiele IW0DZG/OU=Italy/O=IBM\nIBMIT\n\n Organization IBM Org Unit 1 Italy Last Name IW0DZG First Name Claudio Status 769 Explanation Invalid recipient X.400 Status 769 Explanation Router: Unable to open mailbox file D14HUBM1/14/H/IBM Server not responding