I also have had problems figuring out MPLAB. So far I don't see any reason to use it, other than for the picstart programmer that I have. I am not an idiot, so perhaps MPLAB is just too "intuitive" for me :-) On the several occasions that I have followed the tutorial, it seems that I have to do a whole lot of mouse-clicking and menu-pulling and filling-in-the-boxes just to assemble a simple file. Forget the simulator, I've never managed to see anything happening, though it appears to be running. So I use MPLAB just for running the picstart programmer, and use MPASMWIN for assembling. I rarely use a simulator, but when I do, I find the old DOS MPSIM much easier to figure out, with its one page of commands. I have yet to use an incircuit emulator, but since MPLAB is the interface for the two Microchip models, I think I'll get a Mathias or a Rice or one of the others, when that day comes. So far most of my code works without much hassle and an emulator hasn't been needed. Perhaps I don't love computers enough? I am rather tired of computers. They seem to get in the way of work sometimes. Happily productive with old tools and a bit of a curmudgeon, Cheerfully, Not alone in my dislike of hard to use tools, Bob