Michael van der Zee wrote: > ... > I'm lost in all kinds of project files linkers and *.asm. > (Lots of errors) > Error[147] C:\PROGRA~1\MPLAB\EXAMPLE\I2CBUS.ASM 391 : Directive not allowed when generating an object file (ORG) > Error[152] C:\PROGRA~1\MPLAB\EXAMPLE\I2CBUS.ASM 392 : Executable code and da ta must be defined in an appropriate section > (but alway's unable to find output file) > MPLAB is unable to find output file "I2CBUS.O". > > Build failed. > ************* > What am I doeing wrong here...?? Michael, Sounds like you are adding more than one source file from into a project or trying to send a non-relocatable source file through the linker. Before recently, only one file was allowed in a project, and that file would "include" other needed files. The linker has recently been added to help deal with this. For now, you might want to work the old way, since all the application notes ere written in the old sytle. Some of the errors you are getting have o do with directives in the AN's that work only with MPASM, not with the linker. You can still do this. Make sure you have only one file in your project and that the top "node ," the *.HEX file is being handled by MPASM or MPASMWIN, not MPLINK. Alternatively, you can just "open" the source file and select "Build Node" from the project menu to assemble files in the "old way." For a quick example, look at the first section of the MPLAB v3.40 Project Tutorial that's on the web page with MPLAB. That'll walk you through simple projects and you should be able to use the AN files instead of the single sample file. -- ___________________________ | Darrel Johansen | | tempe, arizona | | darrelj@primenet.com | |_________________________|