> Somebody know something about that amazing thing...? yes, be careful. have this supplier demonstrate this foil. I once tried to use this technology. It works by copying the artwork to a specially coated foil. The "black-powder" ("Toner") - not sure about the english word - shall stick at the coat. By "ironing" the Toner should be transferred to the copper and glued. The first time I tried to copy someting to the foil the copier got badly damaged because the coating melted in the copier and glued everything together. So I prefer the "old" way. print the artwork at vellum-paper ( kind of paper used by architects, which looks like a milky window ) and use the right light. my Light source consists of two flourescent tubes manufactured by philips type TLD-05. 05 is the infomation about the emitted light spectrum. you can possibly get an equivalent. with two tubes a 36Watts it takes less than 5 minutes to expose the copper. Also use ready-coated copper-boards they4ll have constant coating giving better result. for etching I (!) prefer following mixture: 700 ml H20 ( Water ), 200 ml HCL 30% (hydrocloric acid ), 30 ml H2O2 30% "Wasserstoffperoxyd". I gives results at 20Celsius in about 5 minutes. BE CAREFUL. NEVER PUT WATER INTO ACID Add the Water first, then ACID, the H2O2 ! If you feel uncertain ask someone more experienced with chemical agents ! Wear gloves and protective glasses. ( .... means DO IT AT YOUR OWN RISK ) but me and many other have etched artworks an we are still alive. kind regards Stefan