Cool =) Using LED bars would be my idea, just take the proportions of regular LED 7 segment cases and apply it. Troy P. wrote: > Hi all, > I have an opportunity make a little money if I can design a display that > has 5 - 36" tall digits on it. I have always wanted to make one of these > anyway but I wanted to do it with LEDs. Does anyone have any experience > with this type of design. Questions that came to my mind were: > 1. What should the width of each segment be? The height will be 18". > > 2. What should the spacing on the LEDs be? I was thinking about > stagering them for more coverage. > > 3. How should the current and voltage be made? First calculations show > about 30amps at around 5v per digit. This didn't sound right to me. This > was based on 8LEDs/square inch and each segment being 18" x 2" and this > seems too skinny. > > Any thoughts will help before I start spending money on development. > > Thanks in advance. > Troy Powledge > TCo. Systems > -- <-------------------------------------------------------> < Martin Klingensmith, AKA Format. > < Pyrotechnics - Mountain Bikes - Electronics - Coding > < Aquaria - Computers - Computer Selling - And the list > < Keeps going, and going... > <------------------------------------------------------->