Tektronix has a repair station at 700 Professional Drive in Gaithersburg MD, 301-948-7151. The standard 475 repair price is $800, which includes calibration. You can see why anyone who could find a working one for $200 would be well advised to jump before thinking. -----Original Message----- From: GREG OWEN [SMTP:GOWEN@FUSIONUV.COM] Sent: Monday, July 27, 1998 10:37 AM To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Subject: Re: [OT] Used Scopes/ repair Does anyone know a good place to send Tek scopes for repair? I have a 475A, but something is wrong with the retrace, it makes really bright lines, and has a loud whistle sound. I live in Maryland. Thanks, Greg ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 24 Jul 1998 05:19:33 +0100 From: Leon Heller Subject: Re: [OT] Used Scopes In message , Sean Breheny writes >Hello all, > >I am looking to buy a good used scope. I am looking for advice on what is >a good model to get. I have seen some Tek 475As which have about a 250MHz >BW and they seem to have a good combination of features for not too high >a price (abt. $200). Is it worth this much? Is this still a useful scope? >When was this model last manufactured? It's a very good scope, and is *much* better than any new ones you are likely to be able to afford. I wish I'd bought one, rather than the Tek 2225 I'm using, which I bought new a few years ago. Leon