I'm liking this idea more and more myself. Oringinally I didn't care much for it because as someone else mentioned, different look up tables for different digits. Don't know if someone else has pointed it out and I didn't see it, but for 9 7seg +dp displays the coding would be easy. Just shift the connections by one for each digit. Use the carry as the common, read the table, and rotate. Just wire each digit differently.. Disp 0: 0 a b c d e f g p Disp 2: b c d e f g p 0 a All of a sudden easy to use with one code table. Anyone have some good code to do a rotate through one byte w/o carry for 8 7 segments on just one port? May just be easier to waste a pin but I hate to waste a pin due to lack of coding. Not to mention I'd rather just have 8 locations to pump out for scanning and not have to store and find the 9th bit if I don't need it.. Alan James Cameron wrote: > Yes, now I finally understand too. Ingenious. > > I think I might use this idea, but I would imagine the coding to be a > challenge. >