At 13:03 24.7.1998 -0400, you wrote:

>The release of Windows 98 has revitalized Linux interest by
>many development companies.  If development tools were
>available under Linux would this be the operating system of
>choice for development.  What tools would you like to see
>ported to run under Linux?

Everything :-) Especially ASM+C+Simulator combo, running in X-Windows
environment. But console oriented IDE is also OK.
Nice idea, maybe I will be able to delete WinCrap some day.

Best regards


* Pavel Korensky                                                         *
* DATOR3 LAN Services spol. s r.o.                                       *
* Modranska 1895/17, 143 00, Prague 4, Czech Republic                    *
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* PGP Key fingerprint:  F3 E1 AE BC 34 18 CB A6  CC D0 DA 9E 79 03 41 D4 *
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* SUMMA SCIENTIA - NIHIL SCIRE                                           *