On Sun, 26 Jul 1998, Format wrote: > So UV-A bulbs are "Black Light" bulbs? > Will they erase a PIC? UV-A bulbs are the kind that make white T-shirts and fluorescent paint shine in the dark / disco etc. Also used in bug killer units. Obtained by painting the lamp with a filtering layer that lets only UV-A through. The lamp can be fluorescent or incandescent. UV-A is just above blue light in the visible spectrum. Definitely, definitely no EPROM erasers. For all those interested in light wavelengths and measurement, search the web for a PDF book called 'The Light Measurement Handbook'. It is made available by a consultant who also sells calibrated sensors for various purposes, in case you need them. The download is free, but on the large side. For info on safety, enter 'UV radiation protection safety' into a web search engine such as altavista. hope this helps, Peter