Hi Bill W., John H., Reg N., Martin and others, > Ok, I'll bite. <> Have you actually > got this working (as implied by "requests for code...") There seems to both interest and scepticsm on my recent claim as below, basically most PIC pins are TRISTATE'able and this makes the 12 LEDs easy to implement, I only drive one led at a time, (could be two or three though) but by rapidly multiplexing this is not an issue. I made a trial batch of 8 to try out my idea and these have mostly gone to my kids and their friends, they go nicely with a pair of 10 ohm resistors and 3V lithium coin cell. The code runs to 485 lines assembler with clarity spaces and a partially implemented display instruction macro language to better utilise the 12C508's small memory. I suspect not all the list would appreciate a 66.2 Kb file for the PCB + 10.1 Kb for the whole project and so I am including only the Hex file with LED mapping info. Use a series resistor on pins 2 and 6; pins 3, 5 & 7 each connect to 2 LED pairs, (bidirectional) half of the six pairs also terminate at resistor 1, other three pairs to resistor 2 Check file pendant.cut to find out pair/polarity mapping for the correct linear/rotational sequences. MCLR pin taken low will select one of three processes with auto power off. Beware that pendant.hex has two program origins; this will work fine on picstart plus, but home made programmers may not insert the nessary addressing gap between sections one and two of program. > one PIC12C508 per 12 LEDs > 5 output pins available. > leds driven in bidirectional pairs. > 3 x 2 = 6 (5 pins drive 6 LED pairs) regards, Graham Daniel :100000002500DE0C0200FF0C0600280C2600370C31 :1000100034008802030E2800E201000B190B460B86 :10002000480B13020F0EE201C10A650A820A760A22 :10003000A60AAC0AAA0ABA0ABD0AAE0AB00AB20AED :10004000B60A950A980A9D0AD0000F0EE201600BCD :10005000650B6A0B6F0B740B790B7E0B830B880B94 :100060008D0B920B970B000000000000A00B000806 :100070003F080C08CC080A08AA0801081108030860 :10008000330800080308000830080308330807088D :1000900077080008700800080F08030833080508EF :1000A00055080F08C0080E0838080C08CC080808C6 :1000B000CE08080820080C080C080E0838080F089D :1000C0003C080F08BE080008000872093200B4029C :1000D00074093100B402610C94000307710A370CF3 :1000E00034000008140222001402220003047206E5 :1000F000030571037203000803047206030571030C :100100007203900A9204110692053203310300082B :10011000640C2C000C0C30007206240A9C0B7C0A28 :10012000F0028C0AEC028A0A000888098809000893 :1001300088098809880988090008880988098809C0 :10014000880988098809880988090008FF0CB10115 :10015000B201000811040008110500088209820A92 :100160007609760A820982098209820A7609760965 :100170007609760A720071000008FF0C3200310027 :04018000000800086B :100200003C0C2900010C330011098809240C2E0034 :10021000020C330011098809EE02080B240C2E0091 :10022000030C330011098809EE02100BE902020BDE :100230000300280C2900300C2E00010C330011099A :100240000F0C33001109020C330011090F0C33009D :100250001109020C330011090F0C33001109030CB2 :10026000330011090F0C33001109030C330011097D :100270000F0C33001109030C330011090F0C33006C :100280001109EE021D0BE9021B0B0300000B03001A :10029000640C2900010C33001109050C2E00040C1C :1002A000330011090E0C33001109040C330011093D :1002B0000F0C33001109EE024F0BE9024A0B030049 :1002C000100C2600CF0C06008E0A200C2600CF0C46 :1002D00006008E0A100C2600ED0C06008E0A020C99 :1002E0002600ED0C06008E0A040C2600F90C060010 :1002F0008E0A020C2600F90C06008E0A040C260059 :10030000DB0C06008E0A200C2600DB0C06008E0A91 :10031000010C2600FC0C06008E0A020C2600FC0CC8 :1003200006008E0A010C2600DE0C06008E0A200C48 :100330002600DE0C06008E0A140C2D00ED029E0B2A :06034000FF0C06008F0A0D :021FFE00F20FE0 :00000001FF LED1 WMOVL B'00010000',GPIO MOVLW B'11001111' TRIS GPIO ; DIRECTION LATCH. GOTO LASTWUN LED2 WMOVL B'00100000',GPIO MOVLW B'11001111' TRIS GPIO ; DIRECTION LATCH. GOTO LASTWUN LED3 WMOVL B'00010000',GPIO MOVLW B'11101101' TRIS GPIO ; DIRECTION LATCH. GOTO LASTWUN LED4 WMOVL B'00000010',GPIO MOVLW B'11101101' TRIS GPIO ; DIRECTION LATCH. GOTO LASTWUN LED5 WMOVL B'00000100',GPIO MOVLW B'11111001' TRIS GPIO ; DIRECTION LATCH. GOTO LASTWUN LED6 WMOVL B'00000010',GPIO MOVLW B'11111001' TRIS GPIO ; DIRECTION LATCH. GOTO LASTWUN LED7 WMOVL B'00000100',GPIO MOVLW B'11011011' TRIS GPIO ; DIRECTION LATCH. GOTO LASTWUN LED8 WMOVL B'00100000',GPIO MOVLW B'11011011' TRIS GPIO ; DIRECTION LATCH. GOTO LASTWUN LED9 WMOVL B'00000001',GPIO MOVLW B'11111100' TRIS GPIO ; DIRECTION LATCH. GOTO LASTWUN LED10 WMOVL B'00000010',GPIO MOVLW B'11111100' TRIS GPIO ; DIRECTION LATCH. GOTO LASTWUN LED11 WMOVL B'00000001',GPIO MOVLW B'11011110' TRIS GPIO ; DIRECTION LATCH. GOTO LASTWUN LED12 WMOVL B'00100000',GPIO MOVLW B'11011110' TRIS GPIO ; DIRECTION LATCH. GOTO LASTWUN