> Friends, I'm building a led chaser whit a 12C508 Pic >microcontroller. I configure GPO, GP1, GP2, GP4 as outputs to drive the >leds. I'm having the following trouble: When I plugin the circuit, it >starts at function whit label "cizq", but it should starts at function >labeled "izq". if you trace the program from mplab simulator it's seem >to have no problem. Sometimes the circuit does not start, the only >thing that you can see in the leds it's a shadow. I'm sending you the >source code. Whoever can help me, I'll be very thanked. NOTE: Pin >configuration: Watch dog timer: OFF Code protect : OFF Oscilator: >External Master Clear Reset: Internal Ivan Cano Medellin - Just had a quick look at your code - are you using TRIS correctly? This instruction determines if a pin is an input or output. Generally, you only use it in your initialization stages, and you use 'MOVWF GPIO' when you want to set or clear output bits. Worth a look. Jim