You could try to use an ultrasonic differential Doppler method, but I suspect that this will be expensive, in development costs and transducers. This method is metrology instrumentation grade, once you have a tube that does not vary in dimensions and a constant density liquid. I know that something like this is used to measure blood flow in artificial kidneys and other delicate places. If you want to get really picky, also measure the temperature and pressure in the tube to correct for compressibility and density variation ;) The differential Doppler method requires an ultrasonic transmitter and two receivers, all immersed in a tube section of constant cross-section. It can measure flow in both directions, and has a lower speed limit under which no measurement is possible (due to the phase resolution of the detection equipment). There are no S/N and preamplifier problems as the transducer output signal is huge and clean. imho this method is excellent for a PIC, used both to generate the ultrasonic frequency directly (by bit-bashing) and for data aquisition. Another method that does not use moving parts, uses the thermal transfer properties of the liquid. You have a piece of tubing that is thermally insulated, and inside it, a heated thermistor, and at some distance downstream, another one that is not heated. Knowing the thermal conductvity of the liquid and the temperature read-out at the 2nd thermistor, and tube diameter etc you can determine flow rate with uncanny accuracy. A third unheated thermistor is used upflow of the heated one to give a temperature reference if the liquid temperature is not constant. This method requires serious calibration, unlike the differential Doppler one, which needs none. However, it measures flow down to very, very near zero, in both directions. hope this helps, Peter