>I started to learn programming Pic16c84? >but can any one tell me what are the WatchDog Timer WDT is timer, working from it's own RC-generator (if WDT turn on during the chip's programming). If You use WD, you MUST periodicaly clear it (by clrwdt instruction) before timer roll-up. If it happens - you chip will be reseting. Unfortunatly this is only software reset (goto 0), against hardware reset (MCLR=0). All PICs have a prescaller, tham MAY be used with WDT. WDT period is about 22ms*Kpresc. >and the oscillator mode HS,XT and LP ?and what is they important? This is the internal clock genarator mode - HS for high speed cristal, XT - for middle and LP for LOW. Of course all modes can be used with external clock. Another mode - RC - for simple RC generator. You MUST set clock mode during the PIC's programming. ================================== Alex Torres, Kharkov, Ukraine (exUSSR) E-Mail: altor@geocities.com 2:461/28 FidoNet Home Page: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Lab/6311