> Hi, > I have been looking at using the Pic micro as the base for a home / building a utomation system. > I have worked out designs for a one wire pair system (caring power & data ) an d a two wire pair system (separate power & data pairs). > I have not used RS485 in my design because I wanted to use a I2C style of BUS ARBITRATION on a differential twisted pair wire. You can use I2C style arbitration on differential twisted pair. CANbus does it. The trick is to drive the RS-485 diver enable signal with the serial Tx line. Properly done, the driver circuit will work transparently on any RS-485 network. See National's Application Note AN-915 regarding the SAE J1708 spec. http://www.national.com/an/AN/AN-915.pdf AN-915 makes the case for National's DS36277, since it eliminates an inverter. You can still use a 75176 if you use a 2N2222 to invert the UART output, or if you are bit banging, invert the signal in the software. regards Thomas J Macauley, KD7BDW thomas@advancedcontrol.com (208) 362-5858