>Rather than create a whole new protocol, check into existing ones. I agree. I think the CAN bus is very interesting. Bit-by-bit arbitration, hardware adress filtering, CRC, automatic detection-disconnect on lot of errors, high speed, one signal (normally twisted pair, and some drivers kan work with failure on one line etc), lot of chips. There are already lot of higher level protocols built on top of the CAN, bridges to ethernet, PC-cards with CAN controllers, diagnostic programs etc. Mchip will probably release a PIC with CAN later this year, which will be perfect for the master unit. For the cheap low-end units i think it is possible to implement CAN in software in a standard cheap PIC, that have interrupt on port change. We just have to run the bus slow enough, but we don«t have high speed requirement, so 1kpbs is porbably much more than needed. I«ve been thinking on running a system with a single pair or coax, with 48 or 60 VDC supplied, that runs to DC/DC converters in the high power units (isolated converter if needed). It will then be possible to get enough power for servo motors, lots of magnetic valves etc! Very simple nodes like fire detectors do not need isolated power nor signal and can use cheap zener voltage regulator and only cap and protection zener for signal. All power is connected through inductors, and the signals through small caps (and signal transformer if isolation needed, or some bidirectional optocoupled driver) One very nice feature aboput CAN is that it was made with thought of transformer coupling: There is a maximun of five successive bits of same "polarity" (high or low), or else the transmitter inserts one of opposite polarity, and the recievers delete the same. It is built in in the protocol! The protocol is rather complex, but as it is highly specified and widely used it is easy to specify as a common standard. And if someone/a group of us develop a CAN include file, then almost all work is done, as it even includes error detection, retranslit, bus state control etc. Aditionally we only have to specify how to set speed, adress ranges for different usage etc. Electically we also have to specify contact configuration, cable impedance, drive amplitudes etc. But we can leave that for later as we better (IMHO) first must aim at using CAN to the basic standard on a spearate twisted pair (driver/reciever buffers is available for CAN like as for RS232 etc) , and either we decide for our own how we like to run the power as somebody maybe inly need totally one watt, but the system I am dreaming in must run an large servo at 120W... (sun panel rotate) If we use only the high speed coming PIC with hardware CAN, it is even possible to get one audio channel (maybe two or more bad quality) to work as well as the normal control. So, we can implement a intercom phone, door phone or whatever :). Another idea is to transfer pictures from a simple CCD camera from the door way to see who is knocking, or store to get images of thieves... Just my couple of cents summed from a bunch of notes (whishes) on my desk /Morgan / Morgan Olsson, MORGANS REGLERTEKNIK, SE-277 35 KIVIK, Sweden \ \ mrt@iname.com, ph: +46 (0)414 70741; fax +46 (0)414 70331 /