I also found this gem, which I will put in ftp://ftp-eng.cisco.com/billw/ymodem.doc 2-Jun-85 22:14:08-PDT,44767;000000000001 From: Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX Newsgroups: net.micro,net.micro.pc Subject: YMODEM (=XMODEM+1) Doc Date: 1 Jun 85 19:30:58 GMT To: info-micro@brl-vgr.ARPA *** NAK THIS LINE *** By popular request, I am posting this document describing the XMODEM protocol, plus the XMODEM/CRC and YMODEM (Batch transmission, etc.) protocol extensions. Ward Christensen's article on this subject will appear late this year in Byte Magazine. ------------- - 1 - XMODEM/YMODEM PROTOCOL REFERENCE A compendium of documents describing the XMODEM and YMODEM File Transfer Protocols Edited by Chuck Forsberg Please distribute as widely as possible. UUCP: ...!tektronix!reed!omen!caf CONTENTS 1. ROSETTA STONE..................................................... 2 2. TOWER OF BABEL ??................................................. 3 2.1 Some Messages from the Pioneer............................... 3 3. XMODEM PROTOCOL ENHANCEMENTS...................................... 6 3.1 CAN-CAN Abort................................................ 6 3.2 CRC-16 Option................................................ 6 3.3 1024 Byte Packet Option...................................... 7 4. YMODEM Batch File Transmission.................................... 8 6. XMODEM PROTOCOL OVERVIEW.......................................... 13 6.1 Definitions.................................................. 13 6.2 Transmission Medium Level Protocol........................... 13 6.3 File Level Protocol.......................................... 14 6.4 Programming Tips............................................. 15 7. XMODEM/CRC Overview............................................... 17 7.1 CRC Calculation.............................................. 17 7.2 CRC File Level Protocol Changes.............................. 18 7.3 Data Flow Examples with CRC Option........................... 19 8. MORE INFORMATION.................................................. 21 9. YMODEM Programs................................................... 22