At 05:31 9.7.1998 -0700, you wrote: > Pavel, my goal is to provide the core logic and supporting hardware >design for the logic analyzer. Then I want to release it to the public in >hopes that the software becomes a group effort. While I want this to be a >PIC project I'm also designing it to be compatible with a PC host using a >parallel port. I am also looking at using a 16C76 or 16C77. The host >interface requires 15 I/Os in the 4-Bit transfer mode and 19 in the 8-Bit >mode. One issue is the time it takes to transfer up to 128KBytes of data >to a PC for each sample. > You are right, the speed of transfer is a problem. But also a problem is, that PCs in a lot of personal workshops have parallel port occupied by PIC or EPROM programmer, printer, hardware keys for development system (like OrCAD) etc. We need more parallel ports in PC :-)) So, I tought that serial port can be better. With 38400 bps serial port, the whole transfer will be around 35 seconds. It is annoying I know, but half minute is not so much, because examining the results will take much more time. The second main reason for serial port is, that programs which are using serial port can run on WinNT without any problem. Yes, I know that there are free programs for accessing the parallel port under WinNT, but it is necessary to have two versions of PC software. But maybe I am wrong. > If you are using the ispLSI1032, then you must have the full version of >the Lattice fitter and Synario. I only have the starter kit. It would cost >around $2500+ to upgrade. It's hard to justify the expense for a >vendor-specific product line even though Lattice is local here in Portland >and I've been using their products for around three years. I could easily Hmm, I also have the Synario Starter and it can use 1032 parts. I tried it (simulation of course) and it works, no problems with using 1032. I thought that Synario starter can be used up to 6000 gates, which is OK for 1032. But I will check it once more. You scared me, because I ordered several 1032 chips yesterday. >I'll probably release the preliminary design before I actually build my own >prototype. It will be nice. Thank you in advance. Best regards PavelK ************************************************************************** * Pavel Korensky * * DATOR3 LAN Services spol. s r.o. * * Modranska 1895/17, 143 00, Prague 4, Czech Republic * * * * PGP Key fingerprint: F3 E1 AE BC 34 18 CB A6 CC D0 DA 9E 79 03 41 D4 * * * * SUMMA SCIENTIA - NIHIL SCIRE * **************************************************************************