Jim Robertson wrote: >>You are right about the comport shortage but the same >>can be said for the parallel port. Jim, it is not a shortage of com ports that is the problem, it is the shortage of free interrupts. ALL my interrupts are tied up on my PC, making it impossible to add additional serial ports. I read an article a month or two ago in PC magazine that complained that new PC's are commonly being shipped these days with NO FREE INTERRUPTS, which makes future expansion nearly impossible. With a parallel port device the software can poll the port without requiring an interrupt to service it. PCI adapters can share interrupts, but only if the software driver supports it. All devices connected to a SCSI bus share a single interrupt, but we don't have any SCSI device programmers. :> Eventually, USB should make our interrupt headaches go away, but for now, it is esier for many people to add another parallel port to their PC than to try to find a free interrupt to support a serial port. CIAO - Martin.