At 15:56 2/07/98 +0200, you wrote:
>Dear mr Robertson,
>One of the other piclisters mentioned that JW-types should have a shorter
>lifetime with more programming cycles. Is this true? If so did you change
>your software also for the JW-types?

Oh, I had answered this question privately and here it is on the piclist.
Here's my answer.

(Second question first) Yes, there is no separate specification for JW
devices and in most cases no option to select between a JW and OTP device.

As for reduced lifetime expectancy, I can't claim to be expert so I cannot
confirm  one way or the other.


>Leo van Loon
>SBB simpeltronics
>tel +31 (0481) 450034
>fax+31 (0481) 450051
>SBB simpeltronics ontwikkelt technische projecten voor basisschool en
>SBB simpeltronics develops technical projects for children in primary and
>secondary education.
>-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
>Van: Jim robertson <newfound@PIPELINE.COM.AU>
>Datum: donderdag 2 juli 1998 3:51
>Onderwerp: Re: Important revision for 16C5x/12C50x programmers
>>At 14:32 1/07/98 -0400, you wrote:
>>>At the seminar in Toronto (June 16),  we were advised that Firmware v1.50
>>>was released to accomodate the 12C67x which has a different programming
>>>specification than others.
>>>No mention was made of changes to the programming specifications of the
>>>other 12 bit core devices.
>>The change for the 12C67x was because there was no existing 8-pin device
>>with the 14-Bit core  (as opposed to the 12-bit core  12C50x parts)
>>supported by the PS+ There were also changes with the OSC bits in the
>>config word  (There are 7 oscillator options!), however, I still can't see
>>why this would require a firmware change but it was one of the reasons
>>For those asking, I do not know if PS+ firmware 1.50 will do the job. You
>>can always check on there web site.
>>Personally, if microchip follow their own advice, there will not be a need
>>to change the firmware only an updated MPLAB should be required.  None of
>>my programmer users have had to rush for new firmware. These settings were
>>always mean't to be programmable.
>>>For older PicStart Plus programmers,  the firmware is supposedly available
>>>on the website -- download it and burn it into a 17C42 before dismantling
>>>the programmer and inserting the newly programmed 17C42 in place of the
>>You have buckley's chance of burning the picstart plus firmware into a
>>17C42 (2K).  You need a 17C44 (8K) and even this is nearly full.
>>>> Is the PicStart Plus firmware revision you refer to, the 1.50 version,
>>>> Jim (or anyone else who knows?)  I just got a PicStart Plus at the
>>>> seminar, need to know if it needs a change (doesn't look like it?)
>>>>   Come to think of it, I'd better upgrade my older Parallax programmer
>>>> for this programming change!
>>Parallax? Good luck!
>>>>   Mark Willis,