There are a couple of things to watch out for when doing the conversion. The reset vector on the C(F) 84 = 000h. The C54 = 1FFh The OPTION register has extra bits assigned. (6 and 7) The STATUS register page select bits refer to RAM on the 84 and on the C54 refer to ROM These are now assigned PCLATH, but are unused on the 84 The FSR register is 8 bits wide in the 84 and on 5 wide in the C54. PortA has an extra bit (RA4) PortB has pullups RAM location 7h is unimplemented in the 84 The TRIS and OPTION instructions should be changed as per Microchips mention of avoiding their use. These registers are addressable in the 84 There are extra instructions available in the 84. Return, Retfie, Addlw, Sublw ROM address 0004h is an Interrupt vector. RTCC changed to TMR0 and shared with RA4. Tony PicNPoke Multimedia 16F84 Beginners PIC Tools. **PLUS** - PicNPlay - PicNPlan - PicNPrep - PicNPost PicNPort - DT Type Saver - *new* PicNQuiz. Recent addition - Hex To Source converter. Email