Hi Piclisters! Sorry for the OT, but I'm becoming crazy :-( I'm designing an acquisition card (and other purposes) with a 12 bits ADC and a FIFO (CY7c344). A 16c74 drives the ADC and generates the clock to write data into the FIFO. An external device generates the clock to read data from the FIFO. Now I'm working with a PC+digital I/O card (DIO24 National) simulating the external device. Sometimes 1 or 2 bytes (on 255) are lost reading the FIFO and sometimes the Empty Fifo signal is not read correctly. It's not a speed problem, this occurs also working step to step. The problem seem to be random apart from it's occurs often when there are a data transition from 0xFF to 0x00. The Cypress FAQ says slow transition can generate troubles, the clock rise/fall time should be about 3 ns! How can I change my signals gradient? Now I use TTL or HCMOS inverter but they aren't enough. Any suggestion? Please, send your answer directly to my work e-mail ------------------ rmarchini@facet.it ------------------ there is already too many OT-traffic on this band :-) Thank you very much for the attention and sorry for my bad english :-) Roberto Marchini