Well, gee, there used to be a web archive, it was at www.iversoft.com. Now, if I try to access it, Netscape just keeps on loading file after file and never finishes. Anyone have any ideas what is wrong (if is it down now?) Sean On Tue, 30 Jun 1998, Ron Fial wrote: > I don't know of a web archive, but I have all the posts from January till now (38 Megabytes, but that includes all mail headers), and could put them somewhere (perhaps an FTP site) if people are interested This file is 'only' 9.4 MB zipp ed. This is an ASCII file (Eudora .mbx file). Eudora also maintains a table of contents (subjects) file, that is 2.7MB for the piclist. > > Another group that I belong to has an archive web page, where all the daily di gests are kept, and you can look at each one with your web browser. They plan t o have a search feature, but it isn't implemented yet. It would be nice if some one in the piclist could do this for us. > > A brute force search would put quite a load on a server. I search my entire 3 8 Megs piclist mailbox with Eudora Pro, it takes 56 seconds to get thru it (200M Hz Pentium Pro, 64MB RAM). But if I have a question about a buggy 16C66 serial port, such a search is valuable in finding the answers! > > Regards, > Ron Fial ( ron@fial.com ) > ================================================== > At 06:09 PM 6/29/98 -0700, you wrote: > >Greetings, > > > >Rather than ask all sorts of pointless FAQs, is anyone aware of the > >existence of some kind of archive of piclist discussions? Preferably with > >a web interface and text search. > ... > >Danke, > >Jonathan. >