About a week or two ago there was a discussion about how to read a dip switch or something similar with a single pin to allow uniquely addressing a particular model railway engine. In case anyone didn't mention this one, how about using a Dallas DS2401 Silicon Serial Number chip? This is a true one pin solution, even the chip power can be fed from the same pin used to read the serial #, if desired. This device is programmed with a serially readable 48 bit guaranteed unique id number. Best of all, these devices are tiny, the largest package is a TO92, with SOT-223 and TSOC surface mount versions that are even smaller. I recall that the original poster stated that size was a critical issue. Of course, these devices do not allow the serial number to be set, you take what you get and the ability to change the id sent via the track signal must be done on the controller end, not the engine end as was originally suggested, but these handy chips seem tailor made for the job the original poster asked about. CIAO - Martin.