MPC allows C and asm modules to be linked (or compiled compiled to absolute code). In either case the assembler labels are by default global and may be accessed directly by either C or assembler code. Data variables in assembler code are available in C as global variables. Assembler functions are by default void functions with void return. Function defaults in assembler may be modified through the use of function prototypes and the MPC compiler will enforce the function usage to be as declared in the function prototypes. The demo versions of the Byte Craft MPC compilers allow mixing of C and assembler code. Walter Banks > ____________________Reply Separator____________________ > Subject: Linking ASM and C > Author: Alvaro Deibe Diaz > Date: 6/30/98 5:27 PM > > I'm trying to link object code in a project with two > different sources: a "BIOS" written in ASM and assembled > with Mpasmwin and a program written in C. > > I can assemble to "hex" the ASM code directly to hex, > or assemble to object and then link it with Mplink. > > ?How can I do to compile the C code to object? > ?Any ideas?