>---------------------- Information from the mail header ----------------------- >Sender: pic microcontroller discussion list >Poster: Mark Willis >Organization: It's a Myth! >Subject: Req: Source for EPRom stickers >------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ > >Hi all - I am interested in finding opaque stickers for the tops of >PICs, EPRoms, etc. - Most every time I've done projects before now, I >have had company stock of these (metallized mylar stickers with (paper?) >-something- laminated on top to write on) - I don't have any now & would >like to have stock for both the 17C44 in my PicStart Plus, and the >16C622's and the 16C66's I will be using regularly, as well as 27C256's >& etc.; > > Anyone know of a source for these? I can't seem to find them, >anywhere. Paper labels aren't the same > > Mark Willis, mwillis@nwlink.com In the UK , they ar eavailable from RS components, PN's 264-119, 264-103, 264-125, 606-181, 606-197, 606-204 they are not particularly cheap, and they are well hidden in the catalogue, don't bother looking in the 'labels' section, try the 'semiconductors-Memory' section !!!!! Farnell components also sell them,(and in smaller qty than RS) PN's 463-802, 463-814, 463-826, 463-838, 463-840 . I suppose if there is enough interest I could post further details ie sizes etc, but if you've got a catalogue, look in the part number index to find them!!! TTFN Paul