> I am looking for a 16C84 simulator. I used MPSIM, but I don't know if > the new one is easy to use. Do you know of another one, but free or > shareware if possible. Thanks a lot. > > David David, Have you downloaded MPLAB from Microchip's web page? It includes a simulator that is easier to use than the old MPSIM. You may also want to have a look at the PICNPOKE simulator for the 'F84 at http://www.picnpoke.com Chris ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chris B. Sakkas (chris@itutech.com) http://www.itutech.com ITU Technologies (info@itutech.com) ftp://itutech.com *** Your source for Microchip PIC development tools! *** *** PIC Programmers, emulators, compilers, books and more! *** *** Order Toll Free in the US! 888-4ITU-TEC (that's (888)448-8832)***