Here's my first program that I wrote for the 16C84. (Sounds kind of like a pathetic trip down memory lane doesn't it?) It's nice and simple, assuming that you've got some LEDs connected to portb alternate ones turn on then they all turn off, then count down from 255 .............. I'm sure you can figure it out. list p=16c84 radix hex ;fuses set as: XT,Watchdog off,powerup timer on,code protect off ;using 4MHz osc. status equ 0x03 porta equ 0x05 portb equ 0x06 count1 equ 0x0c count2 equ 0x0d count3 equ 0x0e count4 equ 0x0f trisa equ 0x85 trisb equ 0x86 rp0 equ 5 start bsf status,rp0 ;switch to bank 1 movlw b'00000000' movwf trisa ;set ports a&b movwf trisb ;to all outputs (don't care about porta) bcf status,rp0 ;switch to bank 0 movlw b'0000000' movwf porta ;set all movwf portb ; outputs to zero call alt_on call del_0.2 call all_off call del_0.2 call dec_led no_end call alt_on call del_2 call alt2_on call del_2 call all_off call del_2 goto no_end ;-------------------- ;subroutines ;-------------------- alt_on movlw 0aah ;put bit pattern 10101010 movwf portb ;on leds return alt2_on movlw 055h ;put bit pattern 01010101 movwf portb ;on leds return all_off clrf portb ;clear leds return dec_led movlw 0ffh ;set count1 to ffh movwf count1 loop1 movfw count1 ;required for repeat movwf portb ;display current value of count1 on leds call del_0.2 ;pause for ~0.2 seconds to allow count down to b e observed decfsz count1,f ;dec count1, if zero return from subroutine else goto loop1 goto loop1 return ;value displayed on leds will be 001h ;---------------------- ;Delays below: ;---------------------- del_750 movlw 0ffh ;750microseconds movwf count2 loop2 decfsz count2,f goto loop2 return del_0.2 movlw 0ffh ;0.19125seconds movwf count3 loop3 call del_750 decfsz count3,f goto loop3 return del_2 movlw 00ah ;1.9125seconds movwf count4 loop4 call del_0.2 decfsz count4,f goto loop4 return ;----------------------- end ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at