I don't know of a web archive, but I have all the posts from January till now (3 8 Megabytes, but that includes all mail headers), and could put them somewhere ( perhaps an FTP site) if people are interested This file is 'only' 9.4 MB zipped . This is an ASCII file (Eudora .mbx file). Eudora also maintains a table of contents (subjects) file, that is 2.7MB for the piclist. Another group that I belong to has an archive web page, where all the daily dige sts are kept, and you can look at each one with your web browser. They plan to have a search feature, but it isn't implemented yet. It would be nice if someon e in the piclist could do this for us. A brute force search would put quite a load on a server. I search my entire 38 Megs piclist mailbox with Eudora Pro, it takes 56 seconds to get thru it (200MHz Pentium Pro, 64MB RAM). But if I have a question about a buggy 16C66 serial po rt, such a search is valuable in finding the answers! Regards, Ron Fial ( ron@fial.com ) ================================================== At 06:09 PM 6/29/98 -0700, you wrote: >Greetings, > >Rather than ask all sorts of pointless FAQs, is anyone aware of the >existence of some kind of archive of piclist discussions? Preferably with >a web interface and text search. ... >Danke, >Jonathan.