Hi All, I recently got my hands on the DS-1820 temperature sensor from Dallas that use there 1-Wire buss and got very excited by the specs for the 1-Wire buss. Many devices on the buss, cheap cabling, easy to make very cheap nodes. In my opinion the PIC fits perfectly with the q-wire bus also as a cheap slave nod when one need to perform some more complex operation. Perfect for remote measurement and control applications. I know how to make code to control the 1-wire buss in master mode but does anybody have any experience in setting up a PIC as a slave-node? Regards /Ake ====================================================================== Ake Hedman - Soft.Dev.Eng. Eurosource, Gruvbyn 415A, S-820 50 LOOS, SWEDEN Phone: +46 657 413422 Fax: +46 657 10612 WEB: http://www.eurosource.se Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero ====================================================================== Attachment converted: wonderland:Ake L Hedman.vcf (TEXT/CSOm) (0000DD04)