>One can connect input pins to VCC or GND, with as thick and as carefully >routed tracks as the real VCC and GND pins. Won't help too much though. If you aren't driving too much load, it IS possible to run the PIC using data pins to provide power sink/source. You _could_ make a PIC look like a 74-series device by making RB.7 and RC.3 power and ground respectively. movlw 1xxxxxxxxb ; 1 ==> power pin movwf RB bsf RP0 movlw 0xxxxxxxxb ; x = whatever you need, 0 = force output movwf TRISB bcf RP0 movlw xxxx0xxxb ; 0 ==> ground pin movwf RC bsf RP0 movlw xxxx0xxxb movwf TRISC ... Your chip is now using specified pins as power! Andy ================================================================== Andy Kunz - Statistical Research, Inc. - Westfield, New Jersey USA ==================================================================