I sent this message before I got onto the list and wonder whether it got thru. If yes, please excuse the repost. I have a RICE16 emulator and am running a 16C73 emulation. I am running off the internal oscillator of the emulator and my program is OK. When I try to run a 16C73A in the socket the timing is way off and my RS232 comms is wrong with garbage coming out. I have looked at the frequency at OSCOUT and it is OK at 10MHz but varies by about 1% max. I programmed the JW chip with the WDT off, HS mode, power up disabled. The 16C73A sits some 2 cm above the board due to an adaptor being used. I considered that the crystal and loading caps may be too far away and solered a crystal and caps very close to the pins. Results still the same. I have check the MCLR and this is staedy at Vcc. I have a LCD connected to it and the display is showing that the operation is OK just the timing out when sending data to another 16F84 which in turn controls the LCD. Any help would be appreciated. Peter Grey