You are about to enter the real world. If I was doing it, had the time and equiptment, and enjoyed it, I would first use a scope on the pickup at various speeds and see what the pulse really looked like. (don't know if it would be wise to hook one up to a running engine though). Then maybe load the pulse down with different values of resisters to see what effect a load would have on the pulse. Having this information, I would build a digital to analog circuit and control it with a PC. Using this test circuit, test the various circuits for zero crossing detection. And maybe even distort the output from the d to a some just to see how the detector would handle it. Then after the pic is programmed, use the same setup to test the pic's program. Then after all this and if (and only if) the value of the antique truck hasn't increassed to the point that you would loose money by installing a non stock item in the truck, I would instal it. But then I allways have had big dreams that I never carried out. Does anyone need 27 tons of river rock? Bill C.