Nuno, If you use a peristaltic pump to feed the carburettor/ injection float then the pump revolutions will be very closely related to the fuel usage. Normally silicon is used, however if pumping petrol then a rubber hose would be required. OBTW peristaltic pump has tube aranged to be held in a part circle around shaft with ballbearings etc rotating to squeeze fluid along tube by pressing tube against(part circular) housing. regards, Graham DanielNuno Pedrosa wrote: > > Hello All! > Instead of asking about small parts of my problem, I'll explain what I > intend to do with fuel measurement. Maybe this helps people help me > better! 8) > > So: > I have a Toyota LandCruiser, 18 years of age. Cheap car, but great for > 4x4 fun-races. There's a lot of those races in Portugal, and, since > they are for fun, but still they are races, a lot of people buys old > 4x4s and adapt them. Add a few extra bumpers, cut weight where it ain't > needed, add really mean tires, etc... There are people with new 4x4s. I > pity them, though... My old 4x4, with it's simple transmission, no > blocking, gets first with no problem. I've rolled it to the side, once. > So what? It's old anyway. Driving on the road is a pain, of course, but > that's not its purpose. > > What we really need in this races, is the distance measuring, with > 10 meters accuracy. But, since the PIC would be quite bored just doing > that, I want to had some extra features, like fuel consuption. I was > thinking of three sensors: Fuel, RPM, and distance. With this, I can > calculate: Kms remaining in tank, average speed, time to get there, > recommended gear, etc, etc... Just pick the variables and juggle them. > > So, as you can see, I have to think of cars which have no electronics, > not only my car, but maybe other similar, old, ones. > > Thanx for your help, > Nuno Pedrosa > > -- > > _/^\_ __ > _____/\_________________________________oOOo__O-O__oOOo______/oo\____ > /\/ / Nuno Filipe Freitas Pedrosa __ /..\__/ > \ \/\ /`'\\__/-\ __ > \/\ \ Tel. : 0049-89-72222342 \__/ \__//@@\ > ___/ /\/_______________________________________________/OO\_..__\__/_ > \/ \__/