> >Further diagnosis revealed the MOSFET is not turning fully on; given a >stable 5V gate voltage, it still reached 440C at 120C ambient. Given >the drain voltage of 14V, it was happy and ran cool; 270C. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ THIS IS COOL??????? Calvin > >I'll go buy ten logic-level MOSFETs. Any Australians know a good, cheap >source of these things? Not rich enough to try Farnell yet, though >they do list the IRLZ24 and IRL540 mentioned by Ron Fial. > >http://www.ozemail.com.au/~oatley lists a 2SK2175 which they claim is >logic-level, http://www.st.com/ equates it with one of their logic-level >devices. Where would I look for data on 2SK2175? Recommendations >welcome for a good searching site. > >I think I'll try a lower PWM frequency though; be kinder to any other >equipment nearby like radios. > >-- >James Cameron (james.cameron@digital.com) >Digital Equipment Corporation (Australia) Pty. Ltd. A.C.N. 000 446 800 >