Marco DI LEO wrote: > You can also find the article at the web site of Electronic Design: > > > > Ciao > Marco > > Calvin wrote: > > > > You can also check out page 134 of the May 13, 1998 issue of Electronic > > Design, where is a simple design of a Rotation Counter, using no moving > > parts, taking advantage of the momentary short created by the brush of a > > permanent magnet motor. > > > > Calvin > > TGO Electronics Thanks to all who have replied on this topic so far. Especially counting pulses as proposed in the Electronic Design article seems promissing. New suggestions are still welcome. Therefore, see below a part of my original message: I am interested in speed regulation of a small DC brush motor (e.g. as used in model trains) by using a PIC. Most information that is available refers to applying a PWM output signal to a mosfet H-bridge. The H-bridge is used for direction control. The PIC produces a PWM signal and the speed is controlled by the duty cycle of the PWM signal. However, does anyone have a PIC solution to the feedback control problem: i.e. a regulated constant speed by measuring the actual motor speed and comparing it to the desired speed. An additional limitation is that the hardware should be very small (SMD components) in order to fit in models. Joost de Vlieger